‘Wacky Races’ Event Gets Set for Dungannon!
Breaking News! Dungannon is to host a brand new, breath taking, action packed town centre event on Bank Holiday Monday 25th August and DRP is looking for crazy, fun-loving businesses and individuals with big ideas to take part!
‘The Gannon Ball Run’ will see ‘soap box’ carts scuttle from Castle Hill down a specially made track through Market Square in a fun filled, fast paced family event!
Whether you are an adrenaline junkie or just enjoy a bit of DIY – then you may be crazy enough to race down the centre of Dungannon in your own home-made soap box racer. The event will also feature motorbike stunts and demonstrations, including Auto-test and various vintage and classic car exhibitions.
Mayor The Lord Morrow MLA of Clogher Valley is looking forward to an exciting closure to Dungannon’s Summer events programme. He said:
“Dungannon has once again presented the community with a wide range of diverse and exciting summer events which include sporting and arts activities for all ages. With UTV Countryfest at the beginning of August, it is fitting to close the summer months with such an innovative and new event such as the Gannon Ball Run. I wish all of the organisers and participants the best of luck with this unique event.”
Councillor Walter Cuddy, Chairman of Dungannon Regeneration Partnership (DRP) and the organising commitee believes this event is perfectly suited to the geographic layout of Dungannon’s Market Square:
“Dungannon’s natural hilltop layout makes it an ideal arena for a race of this kind and we look forward to receiving a range of entries from both private groups and individuals and from the business sector."
The event is organised by Dungannon Regeneration Partnership (DRP) in association with Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council, Dungannon Enterprise Centre, Dungannon Motor Club, Dungannon & District Motorcycling Club, The Pixel Factory, and BEAM.
Entry forms and a full list of terms and conditions are now available from all of the above organisations, plus at Ranfurly House, Dungannon Park, Dungannon Leisure Centre and online at http://www.blogger.com/www.gannonballrun.com or http://www.dungannon.gov.uk/ or http://www.dungannonlife.com/.
If you think you are up to the challenge, then get working on your own designer soap box and return your entry form to:
The “Gannonball Run” Committee
c/o Dungannon Regeneration Partnership
Ranfurly House
26 Market Square
Tel: (028) 8772 8600 / 8602
Breaking News! Dungannon is to host a brand new, breath taking, action packed town centre event on Bank Holiday Monday 25th August and DRP is looking for crazy, fun-loving businesses and individuals with big ideas to take part!
‘The Gannon Ball Run’ will see ‘soap box’ carts scuttle from Castle Hill down a specially made track through Market Square in a fun filled, fast paced family event!
Whether you are an adrenaline junkie or just enjoy a bit of DIY – then you may be crazy enough to race down the centre of Dungannon in your own home-made soap box racer. The event will also feature motorbike stunts and demonstrations, including Auto-test and various vintage and classic car exhibitions.
Mayor The Lord Morrow MLA of Clogher Valley is looking forward to an exciting closure to Dungannon’s Summer events programme. He said:
“Dungannon has once again presented the community with a wide range of diverse and exciting summer events which include sporting and arts activities for all ages. With UTV Countryfest at the beginning of August, it is fitting to close the summer months with such an innovative and new event such as the Gannon Ball Run. I wish all of the organisers and participants the best of luck with this unique event.”
Councillor Walter Cuddy, Chairman of Dungannon Regeneration Partnership (DRP) and the organising commitee believes this event is perfectly suited to the geographic layout of Dungannon’s Market Square:
“Dungannon’s natural hilltop layout makes it an ideal arena for a race of this kind and we look forward to receiving a range of entries from both private groups and individuals and from the business sector."
The event is organised by Dungannon Regeneration Partnership (DRP) in association with Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council, Dungannon Enterprise Centre, Dungannon Motor Club, Dungannon & District Motorcycling Club, The Pixel Factory, and BEAM.
Entry forms and a full list of terms and conditions are now available from all of the above organisations, plus at Ranfurly House, Dungannon Park, Dungannon Leisure Centre and online at http://www.blogger.com/www.gannonballrun.com or http://www.dungannon.gov.uk/ or http://www.dungannonlife.com/.
If you think you are up to the challenge, then get working on your own designer soap box and return your entry form to:
The “Gannonball Run” Committee
c/o Dungannon Regeneration Partnership
Ranfurly House
26 Market Square
Tel: (028) 8772 8600 / 8602
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